Europe’s premier secondary marketplace for live events. Tickets may be above or below face value. Every ticket purchase is 100% guaranteed.

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Help & FAQs/Ordering Your Tickets

Can I trust the tickets on Zenseats?

Completely. The tickets available for purchase on the Zenseats platform are being sold by licensed sellers, fellow Zenseats customers, or sometimes the event organiser’s box office. Every ticket sold and purchased on our platform is covered by our Buyer Guarantee and our sellers only receive payment for the tickets once you have enjoyed your event, assuring that your tickets are 100% genuine and authentic.

Our Buyer Guarantee promises that your tickets are valid, authentic and will be delivered to you with adequate time prior to the event. If any issues with your tickets should ever occur, we’ll strive to replace them with tickets of equal or greater value, and should an event be cancelled, we’ll provide a full refund. If the event is postponed or rescheduled, the previously-purchased tickets will remain valid for the rescheduled date.

Our 100% Buyer Guarantee:

  1. Your tickets will be delivered in time for the event
  2. Your tickets will provide valid entry to the event
  3. The tickets you receive will be the same as those you ordered
  4. If any of these things do not occur, you will be provided with comparable or better tickets to the event, or offered a full refund. Please contact Zenseats immediately should any issues arise.
  5. If an event is cancelled and will not occur at a later date, we will send you an email that will offer you the opportunity to be issued a credit in the amount of 110% of the original cost or receive a refund for the full cost of the tickets, including service fees and shipping and handling charges.
  6. If an event is postponed or rescheduled, you may use the tickets on the rescheduled date or, time permitting, list them for sale on Zenseats providing you have a registered seller account. If you do not have a registered seller account, you may request that Zenseats re-list your tickets on the marketplace in an attempt to resell them on your behalf.
  7. Zenseats is available to contact for support and to answer any questions at

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